Agora Churrascaria

I wanted to talk a little bit more about this restaurant where I went to in January, called Agora Churrascaria, because it really reminds me my country. I love Brazilian food, specially the black beans, and this restaurant offers a buffet with a variety of other dishes, including the black beans, besides the traditional barbecue (“Churrasco” in Portuguese).

Agora Churrascaria exceeded my expectations offering a top service in terms of quality of the food, similarity with Brazilian traditions and, as a requirement for any restaurant to succeed in the U.S , an EXCELLENT customer service!

This Brazilian barbecue restaurant serves a variety of juicy and fresh meats on skewers, a delightful salad bar, black bean stew (our delicious feijoada) and also shrimps, clams with olive oils, chicken stroganoff, garlic rice, salmon, mussels, sautéed collard greens and mashed potatoes.

The Churrasco menu includes Filé com bacon (Filet wrapped in bacon), Alcatra (tender cut from the top sirloin),Maminha (tri-tip steak roasted to tenderness), Costela de Carnerio (lamb chops), Lombo de Porco (seasoned pork loin), Filé (Filet mignon cut from the tenderloin), the exotic chicken hearts, and of course the succulent and famous Picanha (traditional Brazilian cut of sirloin).
Based on the Rodizio system, Agora provides customers with a continuous style service known as “all you can eat”. Customers from all over the world come to Agora to experience this amazing food and sensations from the south of Brazil.

More info:

Below is a picture of a homemade barbecue at my place in Brazil.


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4 Responses to Agora Churrascaria

  1. This restaurant, and Brazilian barbecue in general, sound delicious. Is this restaurant in Orange County? I thought you mentioned that in your other post. Even though I’m from the U.S., I moved 3,000 miles from home 21 years ago, and I still miss certain restaurants, certain foods that I can’t necessarily find here in San Diego. When I find something similar, though, it brings comfort. Thanks for letting us know about this restaurant!

    • Hi Lisa!! Thank you for your comment!! And yes, the restaurant is in Orange County. Let me know when you have a chance to go there and tell me how you like the Brazilian bbq!! 🙂

  2. ellengrif says:

    Now I’m hungry! You must think all the vegetarian talk is funny, or at least missing out!

  3. That sounds awesome! I love Churrascarias! I’ll have to try that place!!

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